Nutrition Genome Test


This at home DNA test kit and analysis guide you through a whole body approach of personalized diet, lifestyle, and environmental insights for vibrant health. See how this test can help bring your body into balance below:

  • Digestion
  • Energy
  • Diet Type, Macronutrient Requirements, Weight Loss, Vitamin C Absorption, Ketosis, Fasting
  • Methylation Cycle, MTHFR, Folate Requirements, Balancing Homocysteine, Fatigue
  • Hormones
  • Stress and Cognitive Performance
  • Thyroid Health, Testosterone, Estrogen, SHGB, Vitamin D Homeostasis
  • Raise Cognitive Performance, Stress Reduction, Anxiety & Depression, Sleep Optimization, Memory, Ideal Work Environment
  • Inflammation and Longevity
  • Athletic Performance
  • Carcinogen Detoxification, Optimize Antioxidant Levels, Detoxification, Lower Inflammation
  • Cardiovascular Health, Optimize Muscle Recovery, VO2 Max, Muscle Injury, Triglycerides, Blood Clots
  • DNA Protection and Repair
  • Detoxification
  • Tumor Suppressor Genes, Cancer Prevention, Improve DNA Repair, SIRT1: Longevity Gene
  • Toxin Sensitivity, Drug Metabolism, Chemical Sensitivity






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